Saturday, May 05, 2007

Jimmy the Super Dog passes away

Jimmy or as i liked to call him Little Lord Fawntlaroy lived a happy life at number 5 West terrace. He loved pats and having walks and sleeping. Here we see him crashed out on the couch dreaming of liver treats and tummy rubs.

Always keeping a watchful eye out just in case someone passes by without giving him a pat.
Red and Jimmy puffed out after spending the day discussing canine evolutionary theories.
Jimmy lived to the ripe old age of 12 and a half.
The house just isnt the same without him.
RIP little man
A quick trip to Melbourne after my vintage placement was neccessary to recharge the old batteries. What better place to do it than the Dandenong ranges where my cousin Brigid lives. This photo is from her front porch. I was recouperating after a big night which included air guitar and air bagpipe championships!

After Melbourne it was straight to Nadia and Greg's wedding down at Port Elliot
Franjo and Jeannette could let their hair down with no kids to worry about. We hired a flat on the beach and stayed a day extra. More relaxing.
Nadia throws the bouquet
I enjoy another drink while I ponder over the fact that I have worn the same suit to 6 weddings now and surprsingly it should see out another 6. Is that the Scotsman in me coming out.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007



Friday, February 16, 2007

The start of my career as a plonky

On my way to work at 6am. Unfortunately the photo does not do the scene any justice. Seeing the sun rise every morning is spectacular. Often it is misty in the morning which gives the whole scence an erie feeling.
2am waiting for 100 tonnes of riverland Chardonnay to arrive. The tanks in the background are like cement mixers. They are about 3 times my height.
The grapes finally arrive at 3.30am. Lots of standing around, but hey I get paid for it.
The Chardonnay starts its short trip to the crusher and then to the press to extract as much juice as possible.
All the stalks and other bits of junk, old bicycles, washing machines, stray dogs, baby hippos that arrive with the grapes are sent off on the conveyor belt to be turned into High definition television sets.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007


We all know how relaxed Verity has been with her blog site. The internet is sporadic in Sri Lanka so we can't be too harsh! I have placed a list of all the people on her blog site who so kindly donated to a special cause; The children who were orphaned from the Tsunami. We have raised $1170 so far.

Thank you to everyone who reached into their pockets at a time when christmas and new year take precedent over most things. Hopefully we will see some photos on Verity's blog of the kids and Sri Lanka.

As many of you know I shaved my beard off for the cause, so the question still remains. What do I title my blog as now. I am no longer the bearded beer swilling larrikin. Any suggestions will be greatfully accepted. I still drink beer and I am a bit of a larrikin!

To visit Verity's blog log on to Heathers blog (the link is on the right) and then click on Verity's link. Confusing yes, will I put her link on my site, No because I am also lazy.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

My 29th birthday

Justin joins me for a few more quiet beverages, after a few quiet days of beverages together.
Pepa and I compete over who is wearing the best T Shirt
Jamie falls under the spell of Moonies hypnotic stare
Pete and Jax have a chuckle over the fate of the Poms in this years 20/20 contest
Thats not a bottle of water is it Anna?

Sunday, January 07, 2007

The New Double Humped water porpoise enclosure

Unfortunately no double humps were viewed as the porpoises were in relaxation mode

New Years Eve

Brigid and I attempting to support each other
A rendition of pop goes the weasel performed prior to cracking open the champagne
Party time on the beach
Sunset over the beach
Happy Birthday Sally

Saturday, December 23, 2006


Verity is doing great work in Sri Lanka and had the idea to raise money for orphaned children. Some of these kids have few clothes and no possesions. To help raise money for clothes and christmas presents I decided to go the great shave part 2.

After quite a few drinks I was ready to step into the unknown.

The first stroke and I knew there was no going back.

I thought I should check to see if any of the pets I have kept in my beard made it out alive

Styling a new mirkin with my Charlie Chaplin mo.

Hang on I thought it was just the beard. Oh well, a few too many drinks and I will do anything for a bit of a laugh.

Who let him out.
Preparation for the full frontal labotomy

The finishing touches

The clean up
Note the sweaty armpits, I was pretty nervous even with a belly full of beer.

Cheers Jamie and Kelly for your support, getting me pissed to ease the pain and helping to raise money for Verity's fundraising extravaganza. Thanks to all those who made donations for such a good cause. If you would still like to donate it is not too late. Just contact myself or Verity.