Thursday, October 26, 2006

Pepa takes the Chrysler for a spin

Booker T -The Hawain Wrestling Musical

I recently had the fortune of bumping into Booker T on the street in front of Her Majesty's theatre. Booker was on his way to a rehearsal for an up and coming musical he has co-written and stars in- Booker T -The Hawain Wrestling musical. He mentioned that the fitness regime was intense and that he was also having singng lessons to reaquaint himself with his voice.

Here we see Booker on his 250th press up, "Only 250 to go" he sang in his best Soprano. "I like to incorporate singing with my excercise, it kills two birds with one stone".

Booker with the leading lady during a rehearsal of the main song 'People think I am a meat head'. The leading lady, also Bookers wife to be says" Its amazing that such a large man can produce such a beautiful Soparano voice, he sings like an angel". I didn't like to mention that he sings like a Castrato for fear of being castrated myself.

An amazing feat of strength. Booker lifts a keg clean above his head whilst singing 'Im going to wash that grey right out of my shorts". Apparently this song was written in haste to fill a few minutes between scenes. I asked Booker if there was anything in the keg. His reply" Of course, theres 400 Litres of iced tea with a squeeze of lemon, most refreshing after a work out".

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Beer and Ballet- A fine combination

You all thought Booker T was crazy when he made clear his love of ballet. But now we have beer and ballet combined. This link will take you to one of the funniest commercial tv adverts I have seen. Enjoy.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Two brothers, one city and shite loads of beer

What can I say? You had to dress up and drink beer for days on end.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Have you seen these two lunatics

Last seen on Saturday night, these two loonies are not dangerous but may confront you with mildy hilarious anecdotes. Colvin, pictured on the left was heard to be shouting "4 out of 5 voices in my head told me to go for it" as he scrambled out of the window at the local asylum. Lachy, or as he is affectionately known amongst his fellow loonies "Third brigadere Boofong Mckurky of the third light squirrel brigade" was heard to mumble with a crappy attempt at a Welsh accent "Im going to take a ride on the bi-polar express, yee haa".

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Michael Franti: True love or truly mad

Last week when Michael Franti came over to our house for a few quiet beers between shows, he asked me to give this letter to someone he felt may be his new soul mate. After kissing Verity on the forehead he told of sparks of fire he had never before felt. I said it may have been the Vindaloo from the night before but he was adamant that it was love and apoomacafoodalogHere we see Michael dedicating his next song to the new lady in his life

When asked to comment on Michael's affectionate love letter Miss Slee was quoted as saying "Pick it, roll it flick it...... um oh sorry, yes, well Michael is a very sexy man and he is soo hot right now".When Lachy was asked to comment he simply said "I done gone got a booger up my nose".

Booker T was outraged that no-one had reminded him of the concert. Here we see him with his un-used ticket. "I cant believe no one reminded me, sure I was at ballet lessons giving advice on a new form of plie for swan lake but i would have bailed on that just to see Michael".
So the question remains, is Michael Franti truly in love or his he truly mad?